Paediatric Exercise Physiology & Physiotherapy

At Adelaide Active Rehab & Therapy, we have a team of Paediatric Allied Health professionals that deliver specialised programs and treatments for children with the following conditions:

Offering Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology, we provide programs in-clinic, in the gym and our purpose built hydrotherapy pool.

All of our treatments and programs are personalised to the needs of each child and delivered in a calm, sensory-friendly environment.  

We are currently in the process of building a state of the art, purpose-built sensory gym that we aim to be open by June 2023.

How Adelaide Active Rehab & Therapy can help your child:

Hydrotherapy has also shown to be helpful with sensory and emotional regulation with the hydrostatic pressure of the water easing sensory issues and the soothing effects of the water, especially warm water, helping to regulate emotions such as frustration and anxiety.

We understand your child may be accessing a variety of other services, and we can work collaboratively with your team and your family to develop goals that are tailored to your child’s specific needs. Your child’s progress will be tracked and outcomes monitored and reported.

Paediatric Services we offer are:

Paediatric EP

We support the NDIS

Our Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists help adults and children get the most out of life through a range of tailored and proven treatments and therapies. They will help you improve  mobility, balance, movement, posture, strength, coordination and management of chronic conditions.

We welcome NDIS participants and if you need more information on how to incorporate Exercise Physiology,  or Physiotherapy into your child’s NDIS regime, please contact 08 7089 6666 to discuss your options.  

We can help you stretch your budget further.


Want to find out more?

If you think that you may benefit from any of our paediatric services, contact us on 08 7089 6666 to discuss this further or to make an appointment.

    Who We Collaborate With: